Hackensack Chamber - http://www.hackensackchamber.com/ - Information on Special Events, Business, etc.
Hackensack Children's Fishing Contest - http://hackcfc.com/ https://www.facebook.com/HackCFC/
Paws & Claws Rescue & Resort - https://www.pawsandclawsrr.org/
Bear Pause Theater - https://www.facebook.com/bearpausetheater/
County website - http://www.co.cass.mn.us/
State Election Information - https://www.sos.state.mn.us/elections-voting/
Local Election Candidates - Candidate Filings 2020 State General Election
The Lighthouse EFCA - https://thelighthousehackensack.com/
St. Paul's Lutheran Church ELCA - https://www.stpaulselcahackensack.org/
Union Congregational United Church of Christ - https://www.unioncchackensack.com/
Seventh-day Adventist Church - https://hackensackmn.adventistchurch.org/
Sacred Heart Catholic Church - https://www.stagnesandsacredheart.com/
Heartland Baptist Church
Civic Organizations
American Legion Post 202 - http://www.legionpost202.com/
Hackensack Lions - https://www.facebook.com/hackensacklions/
Things Relevant for New Residents
Utility Bill Pay - https://www.ubmaxonline.com/UBMax/BillPayLoginAction.do
Utility Company - https://www.mnpower.com/
Recycling Center - Recycling bins are located in the parking lot of Southside Gas Station. There is also a Walker/Hackensack Transfer Site just North of Hackensack, 4524 44th St NW, Hackensack, MN 56452.
Telephone Company/TV/Internet, TDS Telecom https://tdstelecom.com/ OR Spectrum https://www.spectrum.com/internet-service/minnesota/hackensack
Garbage, Waste Partners https://wastepartnersinc.com/ OR City Sanitary Service https://citysanitaryservicemn.com/