General Meeting Date Change: Due to the Holiday week preceding the regular City Council meeting, the city will hold its general meeting on Monday, July 15th, following the Public Hearing for adopting the Minnesota Basic Code. The Public Hearing will be held at 5 p.m. at the Hackensack Community Center. 


Initial Service Line Inventory Accessibility Notification

Instructions for Public Water Systems Public water systems must provide notification to consumers that are served by the system of the availability of the service line materials inventory. This notice must include information on how to access the inventory and include locational identifiers for all lead service lines and galvanized service lines requiring replacement. Public water systems serving more than 50,000 people must provide inventories online, but Minnesota Department of Health has made all inventories available through the UMN Lead Infrastructure Tracking Tool (LITT) so all systems can comply with this requirement. It is recommended that the system also provide information on the lead service line replacement process (if the system has service lines that need to be replaced). Rule reference: §141.84(a)(8).

Systems may utilize the following templates for completing the Initial Notice of Service Line Materials Inventory Accessibility. If a system develops their own notice it is recommended that they utilize the EPA guidance document ( 08/Inventory%20Guidance_August%202022_508%20compliant.pdf) to ensure it will meet EPA requirements and that the system consult MDH prior to sending the notice to avoid having to resend. Systems can email questions to [email protected] for assistance.

MDH recommends systems submit inventories on or before August 15th, 2024 to allow time for approval and processing. The inventory must be completed and accessible by Oct. 16th, 2024.

The initial service line inventory is publicly accessible as of the date the inventory was reviewed and approved by MDH on the certification form.

Additional Notification of Inventory Accessibility to reach other consumers of the water:
     A. Notice Due Date as indicated on your certification form.
     B. Certification Due Date: Return to MDH as indicated on certification form.
     C. Proposed Notice Language for your sytem based on materials present is included below:

For CPWS: Initial Notice of Service Line Materials Inventory Accessibility Template Language

The City of Hackensack has completed and submitted our service line materials inventory to the Minnesota Department of Health. The service line inventory is publicly available and you can check the materials for your service line by visiting the Lead Inventory Tracking Tool (LITT) at you may also contact us at Hackensack City Hall 218-675-6400. To complete the service line inventory our system collected service line info on the public water system side, using as built blue prints. The customer owned portion of the service was identified using photos and city staff field inspections.. As of <05/21/2024>, our inventory contains 0lead,0 galvanized requiring replacement, <0> unknown material, and <206> non-lead service lines.