General Meeting Date Change: Due to the Holiday week preceding the regular City Council meeting, the city will hold its general meeting on Monday, July 15th, following the Public Hearing for adopting the Minnesota Basic Code. The Public Hearing will be held at 5 p.m. at the Hackensack Community Center. 


Construction Update Schedule

Construction Update Schedule

Please keep in mind that all plans are subject to weather, sub-contractor availability, materials availability, et. and could change from what is posted here.

The town will not have any street lights on First Street (2 blocks) from 9/15 until new lights are installed later in the project.

Week of 9/13

Finish installing the storm sewer on First Street

Install Water Main Connections on Murray

Remove Sidewalks along First, Murray, and Whipple

All business will have some sort of ramp or step access where there are no sidewalks.  Keep in mind that wet dirt is mud.  This is an active construction zone.  Use caution and awareness to make decisions.  There will not be a ‘sidewalk’ to park somewhere and walk to the business, you would be walking the street (if open) and subject to it’s wet/dry condition.

Business with a back door should consider using them if possible for customer access.  Other businesses or locations without back doors may need to remote work for a few days depending on weather.

Week of 9/20

Start work on Hwy 371 (west/lake side) starting at Murray and heading south 

Digging a trench to remove/install the old/new Water Main

Grading crew coming to move and prep First Street, Murray, Whipple for tarring

Possible sidewalk crew making forms and pouring conrete (more likely week of 9/27)

Electrical contractor laying conduit and power for lights, power stations, charging stations